Sick Terror is a fast fast fast fastcore band from brazil. They are formed in 2000 and this is their very first release. The band describes themselves as "conected to anarchist ideas, pro-choice, being anti-prejudice (nazi, fascism, homophobic, racism, sexism, xenophobia) and above all the most important is the happiness to be alive, touring, making friends and having a great time! With a nihilism sarcasm... Some of us like to drink, smoke, party till 6am, but always keep the fuck punk up!!" ah and one more thing they tour A LOT.
Adamlar cidden 1 numara herifler , hele bi bateristleri var ki offf atom karınca :) büyük zevkti bu adamlarla birlikte çalmak.Açıkcası konser bittikten sonra daha çok eglendik adamlarla haha ara ara o geceyi anıp güleriz hala...